I want to address this question as soon as possible before anyone asks this. Why did I come up with this scrapping blog? All I want to do every week is to feature a Malaysian Scrapbooking Artist. Why am I doing this? Just because I have the passion to do it. I know that there are many talented Malaysian artists around - just that they are too shy to submit their work or they are just not out there as they do not own a blog.
Hence - I have come up with this idea to feature mainly Malaysian artists. Another major reason would be that I would love to spread my love of scrapbooking in Malaysia and with this blog - I hope to attain this ambition. This blog is also run free of charge and I do not I repeat I do not receive any income from this.
If you scrap, make cards or make art journals or ATCs etc , and would love to be featured, please do leave me an email at chowchow138@gmail.com. I will certainly make the time to include you in this blog.
If you wish to share a tutorial or your tips and techniques, please again - feel free to email me at chowchow138@gmail.com. I will slot you in asap.
For those who owns shops or stores and would like us to promote your sales etc, please drop me a line and I will make sure I will blog about it.
As for now - I am handling this blog alone, please be informed I will be away from the 22nd July till the 31st July, 2008. Hence - I will only be able to reply all your emails after I return as I want a computer-free holiday.
As a footnote - I apologise for cancelling my ATC class at Scrappingville as I had someone in the hospital. I promise to rerun the class asap when I return from my holiday.